List of links to previous workshops.
Magnetic structure determination#
Magnetic structure determination from neutron diffraction data (MagStr)
Hands-on training and lectures on how to determine magnetic structures from powder and single-crystal neutron data. Introduction of the techniques and theory of representational analysis and magnetic space groups. Demonstrated in a series of hands-on examples.
Diffuse scattering#
Diffuse scattering from single crystals (Diffuse)
Synergistic approaches for neutron and X-ray investigation of nuclear and magnetic diffuse scattering, and macrostructural dynamics with focus on single crystal diffuse scattering. Updates on available and emerging diffuse scattering capabilities, data processing and analysis options.
Polarized neutron diffraction and spectroscopy#
Polarized Neutron Diffraction and Spectroscopy: Applications to Quantum Materials (Polarized)
Single crystal neutron diffraction#
Single crystal neutron diffraction data reduction and analysis (SinglCryst)