Single Crystal Neutron Diffraction#

The Neutron Diffraction Suite at Oak Ridge National Laboratory includes dedicated single crystal diffraction beamlines both at the High Flux Isotope Reactor and Spallation Neutron Source.

%%{init: {'theme':'forest'}}%% mindmap root((Single Crystal Diffraction)) <a href="">Spallation Neutron Source</a> CORELLI MANDI TOPAZ SNAP <a href="">High Flux Isotope Reactor</a> DEMAND IMAGINE WAND²


Single crystal diffraction is a powerful technique used in the study and exploration of material structure and phenomena. This technique spans diverse fields of materials science study including:

  • Macromolecular and protein crystallography

  • Chemical and mineral crystallography

  • Condensed matter physics and quantum materials

See also#

Similar information is availabie for the Powder Suite of diffractometers.