The single crystal suite of instruments is distinguished by large area position sensitive detectors.
Reciprocal space#
A visual illustration of the coverage in reciprocal space can be shown for both monochromatic and white beam instruments. In the case of fixed incident wavelength, the sample is rotated through some angle to “extrude” the detector face through reciprocal space. Conversely, for Laue-type instruments, the finite bandwidth gives rise to a volume of space spanned between the two wavelength limits.
DEMAND: example of reciprocal space coverage over a 180° sample rotation with incident wavelength of 1.54 Å.#
WAND²: example of reciprocal space coverage over a 180° sample rotation with incident wavelength of 1.54 Å.#
IMAGINE: example of reciprocal space coverage covering 2 to 4.5 Å wavelength band.#
MANDI: example of reciprocal space coverage covering 2 to 4 Å wavelength band.#
TOPAZ: example of reciprocal space coverage covering 0.3 to 3.5 Å wavelength band.#
CORELLI: example of reciprocal space coverage covering 0.6 to 2.5 Å wavelength band.#
SNAP: example of reciprocal space coverage covering 0.5 to 3.65 Å wavelength band.#
Solid angle and scattering angle#
The detector coverage can also be visualized in terms of solid angle per unit area (neglecting complicated pixel shapes) and scattering angle.
DEMAND: solid angle and scattering angle coverage with three-column Anger camers at 30°.#
WAND²: solid angle and scattering angle coverage with eight banks of ³He wires.#
IMAGINE: solid angle and scattering angle coverage of the image plate.#
MANDI: solid angle and scattering angle coverage of all 41 Anger cameras.#
TOPAZ: solid angle and scattering angle coverage of all 25 Anger cameras.#
CORELLI: solid angle and scattering angle coverage of all 76 ³He tube sixteenpacks.#
SNAP: solid angle and scattering angle coverage of all 18 Anger cameras at 105°.#